The room or random stuff.
My home page type thingy

About the Mistress of this Site

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Um... other peoples

The room.

My fav places to go.

Don't come here.

The room I put stuff I couldn't else wheres.
Um... yeah.

Don't click me, iget!

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Bob. She has a flat chest. If you ever tell her that, prepaird to get fried! She has a short temp.
  Here's a poll
Your Fav. Bishomen
Who is your Fav. Bishomen?
Rurrnoi Kenshin
What's a bishomen? (if you asnwer this, then leave my site. Now.)

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My current statice. and ... stuff....
I... uh... what do I do again? Oh, yeah, this is the 'I hate School' section of my page, I'll eventually make it a page all by its lonsom. Anyway, I hate school because:

1)You have to get up BEFORE. THE. SUN. RISES!! I mean, thats just not natuale!! And its not even FALL yet!!! Its just aint right! T-T

2)Homework. need I say more?

3)Mis. Robinson... she sonds like a freaking TEXT book!! I'm not joking! I am doing great in every other class, I am AWSOME with computers, so its not me. ITS HER!!! ITS LIKE TRYING TO MIX WATER AND OIL!! IT JUST DOESN'T GO TOGETHER!! So, lets all flame he using annonimus e-mails, shal we? Flamer her at .... o.0 I can't beleve it... she's SO old, that she doesn't even HAVE ONE!!!! KILL IT!!

3) See #3.

4) See #1.

5) It hurts my brain.... @.@

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This is Hal. Everyone, meet Hal.
I like there storys, so sue me!

o.0 eh?
um... what is he looking at...? ^^;;;

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